If you’re a graduated nurse or studying to become one, there are probably loads of nursing textbooks you don’t or won’t need. And the best way is to sell nursing books for cash.
If you’re not going to use them for any courses, you don’t need them. It’s only taking up valuable space.
But you can sell nursing textbooks for cash and there are best places to do that.
College textbooks are a multi-billion dollar industry, bringing in tens of thousands every year.
Sell Nursing Textbooks For Cash At Your Home
And the internet has made it possible to buy used nursing books, sell, and even trade textbooks with ease.
You can do everything in the comfort of your home.
What you have to do is learn how to sell nursing books for cash. You can start nursing books for sale online.
You have several options currently available to you to know where to sell nursing books online.
You can sell nursing textbooks online or in your campus bookstore.
We’ll help you find the best ways to sell nursing textbooks for cash in this guide.
Top 3 Ways To Sell Nursing Books

1. BookDeal.com
BookDeal.com is one of the best places to sell nursing books. The company took the time to understand the challenges you can go through.
They then coined a solution, which makes them stand out.
If you have been selling textbooks online for a while, you’ll notice it’s challenging to find the highest offers. It’s not an easy task.
Most buyers are not reliable, and you need to keep a constant eye on the selling process until you get paid.
Failure to do so means you may not get paid, and you will not get your nursing textbooks back.
BookDeal.com ensures that you get the highest offers. You don’t have to worry about the selling process because they take care of everything.
They have a vast network of trusted book-buying companies.
They’ve been in this industry for 20 years, so we know which book-buying companies are reliable.
And the best part of all is that we guarantee your payment. So if you don’t know where to sell nursing books, try BookDeal.com.
2. TextBookRush
TextBookRush is an online bookstore that helps you sell, purchase or even rent used and new textbooks.
And they make it extremely simple to sell books without any complications.
If you want to sell your nursing books, all that is required is the book’s ISBN and hit search.
The page will take you to another webpage called “seller cart.” That is where you check the preferred book out.
After the checkout, you can print the prepaid shipping label. You should send the old textbooks within five days after creating the order.
However, before you proceed, we recommend that you go through their Terms & Conditions.
That will help you understand specific terms and what they mean, such as “New,” “Used – Acceptable,” and many others.
3. Facebook Marketplace

Another good place to sell your books is on Facebook Marketplace.
Facebook provides several ways to advertise your nursing textbooks, and Facebook Marketplace is one of them. Your books become visible to anyone on the Marketplace.
First, click on the Marketplace on the left menu when you log into Facebook.com.
You can click on “sell something,” then “Item for Sale.” From there, you can enter all the relevant details.
Sell Nursing Books on BookDeal: 5 Books to Sell Right Now
1. Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care

This textbook provides a fantastic groundwork for clinical confidence and efficient patient-centered care. It’s proven, user-friendly, and a part of a comprehensive nursing fundamentals solution.
This best-selling textbook is written with you in mind. And it’s packed with tools to help you learn the material and practice what you learn in nursing education.
This book not only teaches fundamentals like scientific reasoning, health promotion, and the accepted nursing procedure. But also foster skills like critical thinking, communication, and patient safety.
The Fundamentals of Nursing offer elements designed to promote reflection and draw attention to content linked to QSEN. It also acquaints students with the kinds of cutting-edge technology they are likely to face in the workplace.
Sell this textbook on BookDeal now.
2. Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach 6th Edition

This textbook makes complex concepts easier for nurses by emphasizing how drugs can be used to achieve therapeutic goals.
The book helps students to study drugs in the context of various body systems and conditions, not in isolation. That helps them better understand the relationship between anatomy and physiology (A&P), drug intervention, and disease.
Exercises and interacting features help students connect pharmacology and nursing care. Also, the discussions of alternative medicines and lifespan and cultural factors help students put clinical decisions in a broader context.
The authors have incorporated the latest pathophysiology and pharmacotherapeutics developments into the 6th edition.
Sell Pharmacology for Nurses (6th Edition) on BookDeal now
3. Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume II (3rd Edition)

This textbook offers the essential content and materials for implementing a successful concept-based program that produces practice-ready nurses.
If you’re looking for a concepts curriculum, look no further than this three-book set. It’s designed from the bottom up as an integrated, all-encompassing educational framework.
The book was intentionally designed to foster links between concepts and a deep, transferable understanding for students.
Volume II dives deep into 30 foundational psychosocial, nursing, reproductive, and healthcare concepts. It also focuses on nurses’ expanded responsibilities in advocacy, accountability, and safety.
This edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current standards for best care and safety in the field.
Sell this textbook on BookDeal now.
4. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process (9th Edition)

Knowledgeable nursing care requires a blend of pharmacology, nursing information, and prioritization.
This textbook is one of the most popular nursing pharmacology books. And that’s because it provides nurses with the fundamental knowledge necessary to give drugs correctly and safely.
The 9th Edition’s drug content has been updated to reflect the most recent FDA medication approvals, withdrawals, and therapeutic uses. And it’s written in a clear and concise style.
Hundreds of color graphics show the effects of medications and how to administer them properly.
As with previous editions, this one has QSEN callouts, clear language, numerous student-friendly features, and unique learning aids.
There is no more complete pharmacology text on the market than this one, which includes integrated NCLEX® preparation and instructor materials.
Sell this textbook on BookDeal now.
5. Emergency Care (EMT) (13th Edition)

This textbook offers an industry-recognized standard for EMT education to get students thinking like professionals.
Emergency Care has been helping EMT students learn the skills they’ll need to succeed in the classroom and the field for over 30 years.
This edition conforms to the guidelines for ECC and CPR issued by the American Heart Association in 2010.
This textbook builds on the National EMS Education Standards and includes new content that closely reflects contemporary EMS practice.
The work incorporates clear explanations of scientific ideas with numerous critical-thinking exercises. These exercises help the students to think like emergency medical technicians.
Sell this textbook on BookDeal now
Why Should You Sell Nursing Books?
Before we talk about the best ways to sell your nursing books, you need to have a firm foundation on why you want to take this step.
That would help you choose the best places to fulfill your objective.
First of all, as you may already know, books take up lots of space, collecting dust.
If you want to make more space for your living area, selling your textbooks is a great way to start.
Also, you can save more money just by selling nursing books. It never hurts to have more money. Ever.
Sell Nursing Books At Reduced Prices
You help by selling nursing books to people who need them at affordable prices.
At the same time, you get paid, which increases your savings account.
We have seen some people using it as extra cash to clear up their student loans.
Furthermore, you can use the money to buy new textbooks, especially if you have a few semesters before graduation.
You can use the proceeds from the books you sell to purchase new books. Furthermore, you can also use it to buy used nursing books. It’s a great way to save money.
Below, you will learn how to sell nursing books and what to do with old nursing books.
If you don’t know what to do with old nursing books, follow this guide. Selling books online has become easy compared to several years ago.
All you need to do is know where to begin. Thankfully, we have given you relevant tips and places to sell nursing books.
Please go through them and if you have any questions, contact us. We’ll help you out.
If you want to sell your books online with no complications and ensure you get paid, we recommend BookDeal.com.
We have years of experience, and we guarantee to get your payment. Contact us right now and let us start working together.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What to do with old nursing textbooks?
You can sell your old nursing textbooks for a reasonable price on various platforms such as Bookdeal.com, Textbookrush.com, Amazon, etc. Other alternatives include donating your books to various non-profit organizations and recycling your nursing books.
2. Where to buy cheap nursing books?
The best place to buy cheap nursing books is BookDeal.com. You’ll get used books that are in excellent condition for less price. You can also get low-priced books at Amazon.com, Textbookrush.com, Powell’s Book, etc. Check out our 7 best places to buy books for low prices.
3. What do nursing students use to carry books to school?
Usually, nursing students use nursing school clinical bags. In the bag, you can be numerous things that help you in your work. For example, pens, stethoscope, dressing scissors, clipboard, nursing care plan, etc.