You can easily find on the web the list of top legit essay writing sites and choose some of them to get help with your essay. However, is it a good idea to use an essay writing service? Let’s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of getting help from such services. 

Advantages of Using Essay Writing Services


Writing service can be a lifesaver when you need to save time. The majority of services offer the shortest deadline of 4 hours, so you can get your order the same day you placed it. Another case is if you don’t know how to cope with the task, and attempts to understand did not help. Instead of procrastinating and trying to cope with the task at the last minute, you can get help from a writing service. It will save you time and allow you to focus on other tasks or just get some rest.   

Access to expert writers 

Writers are often highly qualified in their fields. People are supposed to have certain knowledge and skills to become a writer. Except for that, regular work on the orders provides writers with outstanding experience. Of course, as in the case of any service that offers access to a variety of specialists, it’s important to find the good one. However, if you work with an experienced writer, you can truly learn a lot from the help you get. 

Customized essays 

When you order help from a writing service, you pay for the customized paper that is written according to every letter of your instructions. Hence, you can truly see how the problem you had with your assignment is solved. Customized essays are supposed to work as an example from which you can learn how to write a particular type of paper. It’s a highly effective way when you don’t know how to cope with your assignment, and trying to cope with it on your own isn’t effective. 

Disadvantages of Using Essay Writing Services 

Ethical concerns 

Using these services can be considered cheating. However, it depends only on the way you use them. Evidently, if you order a paper and provide it as your own work, it’s not ethically correct. But it’s not the only way a writing service can be used. It is supposed that you order an example of the paper, take a look at it, and create your own essay by following the example. Another option is to order an outline of the essay. It can show you how the complex part of the task can be solved, but the writing will be your own. 

Question of quality 

Service in any area can be high or low quality. It’s the responsibility of each individual to be attentive, compare the different options, and choose the best one. Fortunately, nowadays, when the service is just emerging, reviews begin to appear online. Writing services often show the reviews on their own sites but don’t rely only on such reviews. The positive ones can be true, but it’s clear that each service would like to hide the negative reviews. If you doubt about using some service, search for the reviews on it online. 


The prices for most writing services are about $10 per page. It means the page of the high school academic level with the longest possible deadline, which is usually 2 weeks. The higher the academic level you need and the shorter the deadline, the higher the price. And, of course, the number of pages also affects the price accordingly. Many services understand that the prices are quite high, and offer their customers to place an order beforehand to spend less money.

So Yes or No?

Using an essay writing service can be a good choice if you need to save some time and cope with a difficult assignment. Writing help is related to some risks, as well as the use of any type of service. If you think that you need professional help with some assignment, follow the next simple rules to make the risks minimal:      

  • Be careful in your choice of service

Take a look at reviews on the external platforms about the service you want to use. It’s an easy way to avoid scammers and low-quality services. However, be critical in your views. Not only the companies might order positive reviews on the different platforms. Their competitors can order negative reviews on the other services as well. 

  • Place an order beforehand if possible

Help of the professional writers has quite a high price. The best way to reduce it is to use a longer deadline. Another good hint is to stay some time on the official website of the service, look at its different pages or even try to exit. The service can have discounts for the new customers which will show if you stay on the site for some time, or can order you a discount when you try to leave.  

The ethical use of the help you’ll get is up to you. But it’s better to use professional writing to learn from it, just as it’s expected. This way will help you to develop your knowledge and skills and save money in the future because you won’t need professional writing help anymore. 

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