ThriftBooks is one of the largest used book retailers in the world. You can sell books to Thriftbooks, and they’ll sell them to readers at a discount.
So it’s a great option to sell your used books and make money off them.
Whether you want to sell your cyberpunk books or collectibles like Harry Potter, Thriftbooks is a good way.
This guide will walk you through how to sell books to Thriftbooks and relevant tips you should know.
With that said, let’s begin.
What Is ThriftBooks?
Thriftbooks is the world’s biggest independent used books online seller. Since its establishment in 2003, they’ve sold over 210 million used and new books online and have a large loyal customer base.
Thriftbooks has been recognized as one of the 2021 Best Online Shops and has won the title for Best Customer Service for four years running. They have also received a 5-star rating on Trustpilot with over a million customer reviews.
How Does ThriftBooks Work?
Thriftbooks have a process of making used textbooks and books available to customers at affordable prices. For example, Thriftbooks buy millions of used books every month and ship them to its processing centers.
Then, the company sort valuable books from damaged ones and assign an accurate quality rating to each book.
Afterward, Thriftbooks will list the books their algorithms shows are in demand across their marketplaces and price them according to their true market value.
However, Thriftbooks don’t sell every textbook they get at retail, especially if they have no resale value.
In such cases, they donate books to institutions such as community centers, correction facilities, charitable organizations, and schools in underdeveloped countries.
If the books are too damaged to be reused, they find effective ways to recycle the textbooks.
Can You Sell Textbooks to Thriftbooks?
Yes. Thriftbooks make sure you have access to all the books you need, from history books and math textbooks to economics textbooks and nursing college books.
The company can even help you search for the right SAT prep books to help you get to the right school, even if it’s an expensive college!
Thriftbooks prices are low, yet they offer quality textbooks. Each used book in ThriftBooks’s inventory is evaluated by a staff member to determine its quality and price.
The company uses a standard condition rating system to ensure you are always aware of a book’s condition before selling them.
Sell Books to Thriftbooks: What Types of Books Can You Sell?
Thriftbooks accepts almost all genres of books, as long as they are in good shape. On their official website, they’ve grouped the books they accept, both collectible and regular books. For example, you can sell books to Thriftbooks in the following categories:
- Textbooks,
- Biographies,
- Comics,
- Cooking,
- Arts & Music,
- Horror,
- Religion, etc.
You can check out all the categories they accept using their sitemap. Alternatively, visit Thriftbooks, then hover on “Books” or “Collectible Books” to see all the categories. However, if it’s your smartphone, click on the horizontal three-dot menu to see the options.

How to Sell Textbooks to Thriftbooks
You can sell books to ThriftBooks regardless of where you live. Whether you have one book or a thousand, they are happy to buy it from you! Here’s how to sell books to Thriftbooks:
- Go to ThriftBooks and enter the book’s ISBN in the search field.
- Pack your books well before sending them to Thrifitbooks. They’ll manage the supplies like the pallets and handle the shipping at no cost to you.
- When you’re ready to send the books, contact the company, and they’ll come and get the books. It usually takes a minimum of three business days for Thriftbooks to get the books. But it’s best to book as far in advance as possible.
- After the company gets your book, you get paid. Thriftbooks offer several payment options, such as PayPal. So you can choose the ones you prefer.
Sell Textbooks to Thriftbooks: 3 Things to Consider
Before you sell books to Thriftbooks, consider the below vital tips:
- First, ThriftBooks don’t buy damaged books. Instead, they’re interested in selling nice-looking books to their customers. So the company won’t accept if you’ve got a book with torn pages or missing covers.
- ThriftBooks doesn’t buy books written in or marked up unless you plan on selling them for very cheap. So if your copy has notes and highlights throughout its pages, then it’s probably not the best idea to sell them. And that’s because those markings will lower their value significantly.
- You can sell multiple books of the same title. But you can do so at a limit of five copies per title.
Final Thoughts
ThriftBooks is a great place to sell used books. They are an online bookseller that accepts all books and pays you for the book’s current value. However, you can only sell books to Thriftbooks online.
The company doesn’t have a physical location, so it uses its mobile app or website. In our opinion, that’s a quicker way to sell your textbooks online and a safe cost.
So if you’re searching for a place to sell your textbooks, consider Thriftbooks!