At BookDeal, we aim to help you save lots of money by buying used textbooks for your classes and reselling them later. We strictly monitor the most popular and top selling textbooks of the year. That way, you can begin your book search as early as possible. 

Of course, it has not been easy establishing top selling textbooks since there are millions of books in stock. Regardless, we always do our best to show the books that may be difficult to find this year so that you can start your textbook search quickly. 

This guide will show you our top ten selling textbooks of 2021. Let’s begin. 


10 Top Selling Textbooks You Need To Know 

1. StrengthsFinder 2.0 

This textbook is a DIY business guide on how to change the way you see yourself and the world around you. It’s a revised and improved version of the self-assessment resource produced by the Gallup Organization. 

The book is at the top of our list because it empowers people to achieve their goals and success. StrengthsFinder 2.0 can help you fix your flaws and focus on developing your key strengths to gain a competitive edge. 

There are many strategies outlined in this book that can help you reinforce and apply your strengths. And as a result, it can help you become a confident and successful person. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781595620156 

By Tom Rath 

2. Signing Naturally Unit 1-6 (Revised Edition) 

“Signing Naturally” is one of the popular ASL textbooks that can help you learn sign language. It’s a great book if you plan to work with the deaf or hard of hearing. The book entails demonstrations, including training videos to make mastering sign language easy for you. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781581212211  

By Cheri Smith, Ella Mae Lentz and Ken Mikos

3. Publication Manual of the APA (7th Edition)

The Publication Manual of the APA is one of the most recognized style manuals for writers, editors, scholars, and students. The book is user-friendly, and that’s why our customers love the book! It’s no wonder why it’s one of the top selling textbooks. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781433832161  

By American Psychological Association – APA

4. They Say, I Say (4th Edition) 

Are you interested in developing solid logical arguments in debates that can win against our opponents? If so, then we recommend this book. It’s one of the top selling textbooks that offer you the best resources that help you understand the nature of ethics. 

Besides that, it gives you numerous writing techniques and how to construct your arguments. Thus, this book can help you convince almost everyone around you! 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780393631678 

By Gerald Graff

5. Emergency Care (13th Edition) 

top selling textbooks

Emergency Care is an absolute lifesaver for students who want to become EMTs, including those interested in general medical knowledge. The book gives you the most accurate and current information about EMS practices today. 

The textbook is written in a simple language you can understand. And it also lists all the relevant scientific principles, including critical thinking features necessary for you. Therefore, if you want to be a better lifesaver, we recommend Emergency Care (13th Edition). 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780134024554 

By Daniel J. Limmer, Michael F. O’Keefe, Harvey Grant, and Bob Murray

6. Culture Counts (4th Edition) 

If you keep asking questions about the most important social trends nowadays and why the world moves in a certain way, then Culture Counts is for you. This revised edition will help you find solutions to gender issues, globalization, inequality, etc. 

You’ll also learn about cross-cultural changes worldwide and how they impact our everyday life. You’ll feel much appreciation after reading the book, no doubt about that. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781337109680 

By Serena Nanda

7. Microbiology (2nd Edition) 

Microbiology is a best-selling medical book that is a good resource for students. The textbook is full of text, figures, and additional electronic resources that can help you increase your knowledge about Microbiology. 

The book is specifically tailored to pre-nursing and allied health students that need a strong foundation about the concept of infection. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780815345138 

By Anthony Strelkauskas

8. Microeconomics (10th Edition) 

Microeconomics is one of the top selling textbooks you need to look out for. This is because it deals with a broad and complex topic as economic principles. 

The book focuses on institutions, financial modeling, modern economics, and history. 

That means you’ll have a deeper understanding of major economic concepts. Through that, you can apply them successfully in your academic environment. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781259655500 

By Colander 

9. The Human Mosaic (12th Edition) 

The Human Mosaic gives you a tour of contemporary geography and a detailed explanation. You’ll know how geographers carry out their research, apply their skills in many professional and academic environments, and develop new ideas. 

Each chapter in the book is structured in five topics: region, nature-culture, mobility, cultural landscape, and globalization. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9781259655500 

By Mona Domosh 

10. Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses (16th Edition) 

This guide gives you all the relevant information about thousands of trade-name and generic drugs to help nurses with their daily activities. This medical guide is a lifesaver and can help you administer medications professionally. 

ISBN: 9780803669451

By April Vallerand and Cynthia A. Sanoski


Top Selling Textbooks: 5 Most Valued Books 

1. Engineering Mechanics: Statics 

For physics majors, foundational courses include numerous mathematics courses. Typically, statics studies follow introductory linear algebra and coincide with electromagnetic courses. 

When you search for best-selling books related to physics, this textbook will be included. And that’s because it gives you numerous study problems that allow you to test your understanding of basic concepts and increase your skills with practice exercises. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780133918922

By Hibbler, Russell C.

2. Human Anatomy & Physiology 

top selling textbooks

If you’re interested in working in health care, especially careers on the front lines working with patients, then you need this book. Also, if you want to launch your educational journey with several core-concept courses, consider Human Anatomy & Physiology. 

This textbook is one of the primary courses you’ll need for you to establish your career. Midwives and nurse anesthetists usually take these introductory courses early in their education. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780321927040

By Marieb, Elaine Nicpon

3. Principles of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 

For you to acquire various degrees, you need to learn chemistry as one of the core courses. This book introduces you to fundamental concepts and processes associated with: 

organic and inorganic chemistry,

Using standard laboratory equipment, and

Analyzing compounds,  

If you want to become a practicing chemist, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree. Some positions even require advanced degrees. But this textbook can help you get there. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780321971944

By Tro, Nivaldo J.

4. Introductory Statistics 

Statistics is much focused on review, aggregation, and interpretation of data in a discipline. This textbook shows the relevance of effective communication and study findings. You can find introductory statistics courses in careers such as medicine, science, public policy, and non-profit management. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780321989178

By Weiss, Neil

5. Psychological Science 

As a student, you must learn how to analyze data and information critically. This textbook centers around core principles that explain how people think, including their processes to interpret the world around them. 

Psychological reasoning is essential in every career and throughout your education journey. 

Textbook’s ISBN: 9780393937497

By Gazzaniga, Michael


We’ve outlined the top selling textbooks in 2021. Hopefully, you can use this guide to make informed decisions. However, keep in mind that the cost of textbooks keeps increasing. But you can get new and used books at discounted rates on our website. If you want to sell your used books, visit, type in your book’s ISBN, get your desired quote, then ship your textbooks for free. We guarantee that you get paid! 


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